Saturday, May 28, 2022

PESCO UET Meter Reader Past Paper MCQs with Answer Key 2022

Meter Reader Test Conducted By UET| Past Paper 2022| 28 May 2022| Answer Key

The University Of Texila conducted a Test for the Vacant post of METER READER on 28 May 2022.

The Test was general by nature and consisted of 40 questions that can be attempted in just 60 minutes Allowed time.

We have compiled all the questions from different sources so that here you can see the question paper below;


Allowed Time: 60 minutes

Question#01: In Islam, legislation refers to:
a). Islamic laws relating to the mutual relation of human beings 
b). Rules and regulations for governing a nation 
c). Both A and B 
d). None of these

Question#02: What destroyed the people and city of A'ad? 
a). Tornado 
b). Earthquake 
c). Leprosy 
d)None of these

Question#03: Who is the current Chancellor of Germany? 
a). Angela Morkel
b). Helmut Kohl 
c). Kurt Georg Kiesinger
d). Olaf Scholz

Question#04:Which football club won the best men's club of the year for 2021 at the Globe Soccer Awards? 
a). Barcelona
b). Liverpool 
c). Chelsea
d). Manchester United

Question#05: Binary number 10101 is equivalent to its decimal equivalent..... 
a). 10 
b). 20 
c). 21
d). 111

Question#06: What was the mother tongue of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah? 
a). Dogri 
b). Gujrati 
c). Sindhi
d). Marathi

Question#07: ........ is called in Arab tradition as "Year of the Elephant". 
a). 570 CE
b). 650 CE 
c). 550 CE 
d). None of these

Question#08: The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari is situated at: 
a). Najaf 
b). Madinah
c). Istanbul 
d). Baghdad

Question#09: Who defeated the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat?
a). The British 
b). The Afghans 
c). The Mughals 
d). The Rajputs

Question#10: Who was the first elected Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan? 
a). Mehdi Shah 
b) . Zafar Shah
c). Sajid Shah
d). Nawaz Shah

Question#11: Construction of the Addis Ababa mega-dam on the river Nile became a dispute between Sudan,_____, and ______.
a). Egypt and Syria
b). Lebanon and Syria 
c). Egypt and Ethiopia 
d). Ethiopia and Syria

Question#12: How many holes are there in a full round of golf?
a). 14 
b). 16 
c). 18 
d) . 22

Question#13: The atomic bomb on Nagasaki was dropped on..............
a). Aug 6, 1945 
b). Aug 9, 1945 
c). Aug 6, 1943 
d). Aug 9, 1943

Question#14: Jhelum and Chenab rivers meet at: 
a). Rasool headworks
b). Trimmu headworks 
c). Panjnad Headworks 
d). None of these

Question#15: What is the installed capacity of Mangla Dam? 
a). 1300 MW
b). 1400 MW 
c). 1350 MW 
d). 1000 MW

Question#16:  When was PIA banned from flying over European airspace for six months? 
a). 25 March 2020 
b). 30 April 2020
c). 30 June 2020 
d). 31 July 2020

Question#17: Rohtas fort, located near Jhelum was built by:
a). Shah Jehan 
b). Aurangzeb 
c). Alamgir 
d). None of these

Question#18: Who completed the construction of Qutb Minar in Delhi? 
a). Qutb ud Din Albak 
b). Babr 
c). lltutmish
d). Humayun

Question#19: The Nobel peace prize 2021 is given to: 
a). Syukuro and Hasselmann
b). Parisi and MacMillan 
c). Ressa and Dmitry Muratov
d). Card and Gurnah

Question#20: Pakistan's first nuclear power was set up in 1974 in Karachi with the assistance of 
a). China 
b). France 
c). North Korea
d) Canada

Question#21: On June 28 2001 which cantonment board made registration of pet dogs mandatory 
a). Karachi 
b). Lahore 
c). Islamabad 
d). Hyderabad 

Question#22: Who was the first Pakistani woman to climb Spartak peak? 
a). Samina Baig
b). Uzma Yousaf 
c). Eman Ali 
d). Saadia Toor

Question#23: A computer virus that replicates itself is called: 
a). Bug
b). Worm
c). Bomb 
d). Hoax

Question#24: Which one connects two similar network segments? 
a). Router 
b). Bridge 
c). Gateway 
d). Node 

Question#25: Which of the following is a Madni Surah? 
a). Surah Al Fatiha 
b). Surah Yusuf
c). Surah Taha 
d). Surah Baqarah

Question#26: In which surah Allah has promised to protect the Holy Quran? 
a). Surah AL Hijr
b). Surah At Tawbah 
c). Surah Zohar
d). Surah Al Maida 

Question#27: A terminal that does not process or store data but serves as an input/output device for an attached or network linked processor is called: 
a). An Intelligent terminal 
b). Super terminal 
c). low terminal
d). Dumb terminal

Question#28: What is the shortcut key for double underline in MS Word? 
a). Curl+Shift+ D 
b). Alt+Shift+L
c). CtrlAlt+L 
D. Alt+Ctrl+D

Question#29: How many acres are in a square mile? 
a). 80 
c). 320
d). 640 

Question#30: What is the Roman number 60? 
a). Lb
b). LX 
c). LXX
d). XC

Question#31: The network in which we connect each node to the network along a single piece of network cable is called: 
a). Bus network topology
b). Ring network topology 
c). Star network topology 
d). None of these 

Question#32: Which number system is used by computers? 
a). Digital 
b). Decimal 
c). Analog 
d). Binary 

Question#33: How was Turkey known at the beginning of the 20th century? 
a). Playground of Europe
b). Guardian of Europe 
c). leader of Europe
d). The sick man of Europe

Question#34: The famous painting of "Mona Lisa" was the creation of 
a). Picasso 
b). Leonardo Da Vinci 
c). Michael Angelo 
d). Van Gogh

Question#35: How much is the rate of Ushr on the produce of artificially irrigated land? 
a). 13 
c). 1/10
d). 1/20

Question#36: Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) participated for the first time for the Muslims 
a). Battle of Hunayn
b). Battle of Muta 
c). Battle of Buzakha
d). Battle of Agraba

Question#37: To close the active window/document in Microsoft Word, which combination of shortcut keys is
a). Ctrl+Z 
b). Ctrl+Y 
c). Ctrl+W 
d). Ctrl+K

Question#38: To select the entire column in the Excel Worksheet press 
a). Tab+C
b). Ctrl+Space 
c). Alt+Space
d). Tab+E

Question#39: What price is considered a benchmark price in the oil industry? 
a). Opec Basket 
b). Mars US 
c). Brent Crude 
d). WTI Crude

Question#40: James Webb Space Telescope was launched into the space on: 
a). 19 December 2021
b). 21 December 2021 
c). 23 December 2021
d). 25 December 2021

Solved Key:

01. B
02. A
03. D
04. A
05. C
06. B
07. A
08. C
09. B
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. N/A
19. C
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. N/A
28. A
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. D
34. B
35. D
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. D
40. D


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