Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Physics Class X (10th) Past Paper Today For Fresh/Reappear New Course 31 March 2022

Physics Paper Class X (10th)|Past Paper 2022|Fresh/Reappear New Course| Today Paper 31 May 2022

Physics Past Paper Class X (10th) 2022 with Solved MCQs.

The Paper consists of two main portions, one of the detailed asked questions (Subjective type) while the second portion was of Objective type.

Further, the more subjective portion contains two sections (Section-B and Section-A).

For First Portion:

Time Allowed (Section-B and Section-C):- 02hours and 45 Minutes

Marks (Section-B): 32 marks

Marks (Section-C): 21 marks

Q#ii. Answer any eight (08) parts (Each part carries four (04) marks)

1. Prove the relation between wave speed, wavelength, and frequency of the wave.

2. In which medium air or water, an echo is heard sooner and why? 

3. Light travels from crown glass (ng 1.52) into water (nw 1.33). The angle of incidence in crown glass is 40.0What is the angle of refraction in water? 

4. Can we achieve total internal reflection from optically rare medium to optically dense medium? 

5. Differentiate between direct and alternating current.

6. Why circuit breakers, fuses, and switches are installed to "live wire"? 

7. How can a magnetic field be used to generate electric current? 

8. What are email and the internet? List four uses of the internet in daily life. 

9. A heating element on an electric range operating on 240 V has a resistance of
30.0 2. What current does it draw? 

10. Differentiate between analog and digital electronics? 

11. What are radioisotopes? Explain three uses for various applications.

Section - C

Note: Attempt any three (03)questions. All questions carry equal marks. 

(a) What is wave motion? How waves can be categorized? 
(b) The distance between successive crests in a series of water waves is 4.0 m, and the crests travel 9.0 m in 4.5 s. What is the frequency of the waves? 

(a) Derive thin lens equation
(b) What is a capacitor? Define capacitance and its units. 

(a) Describe the phenomena of mutual Induction. 
(b) If the mutual inductance of two coils is 3.5 mH and the current through primary
coil changes from o A to 10 A in 0.03 s, how much emf is induced in the
secondary coil? 

(a) What is nuclear fission? Explain nuclear fission chain reaction. 
(b) Describe the operation of AND, OR logic gates by drawing their symbol and
truth table.

For First Portion:

Time Allowed: 15 minutes

Total MCQs Questions: 12


1. When the current through a wire is 2.0 A and voltage across its ends is 3.0 V then resistance will be..."
b 2.5
c 6
d 4

2. The electronic circuit that gives low (0) output when all its input are high (1) is called...... a gate
a. AND
c. OR
d. NOR

3. Software that allows users to interact with the computer system is:

4. What type of nuclear decay leaves the number of protons and neutrons unchanged?
b.Alpha decay 
c.Gamma decay
d.Both Alpha and Beta decay

5. The focal length of a convex
mirror with a radius of curvature of 10 cm is:
a. -5 cm
b. 0+5 cm
c. -10 cm
d. +10 cm

6. The SI unit of electric field intensity is:

7. A material medium with high permittivity value......the Coulomb force between charges. (306.72)
b.Firstly increase then decrease
c.No effect

8. The device used to protect a circuit against overload is.....

9. The bending of waves around the edges of the obstacle is:

10. A shock absorber is designed to introduce.........forces

11. An average human ear can detect sounds with an intensity 0 as low as..........W/m2
a. 10-12
b. 10-6
c. 10-8
d. 1

12. The speed of sound on a warm day when the outdoor temperature is 38°C is:
a. 354 m/s
b. 351 m/s
c. 345 m/s
d. 331 m/s

Physics Class X (10th) Past Paper Today For Fresh/Reappear New Course 31 March 2022

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