Sunday, February 25, 2024

How to get Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program


How to get Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program

You seek the coveted Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship after hearing about it. Getting this honor may seem unattainable, yet it's achievable. Success increases tremendously with the appropriate approach and preparedness. This page covers everything from eligibility research to applying and winning. Get insider ideas from former scholars and write captivating articles. You'll have a detailed plan to handle this tough scholarship and achieve your academic goals. Follow these advice to win the Aga Khan prize. Time to begin!

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program

The Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program annually awards postgraduate scholarships to talented students from underdeveloped nations who cannot afford their studies. Scholarships are 50% grant, 50% loan. The Foundation prioritizes Master's-level courses but may support PhD programs depending on the country's needs.


Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for an AKF scholarship,:

  • Be an Asian or African developing nation citizen.
  • High academic credentials and promise
  • Have an acceptance letter from a reputed university.
  • The Foundation emphasizes how the course of study meets the student's country's needs and priorities. Proposed study fields must improve education, health, agriculture, environment, and management to boost national development.

Application Process

The AKF scholarship application process is tough. Full applications with numerous components are required:

  • Filled out application
  • Genuine academic transcripts
  • Three references
  • Statement of intent describing your academic and career aspirations
  • University acceptance letter

Independent selection panels interview shortlisted candidates. The panel analyzes candidates based on academic performance, study impact, and potential to contribute to their country after graduation.

AKF scholarships cover tuition, living expenses, health insurance, and travel. Scholars may also receive internships or mentorship. Graduates are expected to return home and use their new abilities to national growth.

The Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program helps promising developing country students pursue higher education. You can join the AKF scholars and learn how to lead your community with hard work and perseverance.

Eligibility Requirements for the Aga Khan Scholarships

Nationality and Residency

An Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship requires citizenship of a developing Asian or African countries. The Aga Khan Foundation prefers candidates from its nations. As these scholarships aim to produce leaders in poor nations, you must live in your home country throughout and after your studies.

Merit and Financial Need

Academic performance, extracurricular involvement, and leadership potential are assessed by the Aga Khan Foundation. Excellent academic record and leadership skills are required. Candidates must demonstrate financial need because the scholarships help students who cannot afford college. Low-income and struggling applicants will be preferred.

Program of Study

Aga Khan Scholarships are provided for full-time graduate studies at Foundation-approved universities, preferably in education, healthcare, rural development, and economic growth. Masters, PhDs, MBAs, and MAs in Education are eligible. At application, applicants must have an unconditional offer of admission to a partner university's qualified graduate program.

Language Skills

These scholarships demand solid English abilities because the Aga Khan Foundation promotes cross-cultural exchange and internationally engaged leaders. For graduate program acceptance, applicants must speak English. Fluency in French is helpful. Scholars who speak local languages can better serve their communities.

To conclude, the Aga Khan Scholarships aim to nurture future leaders from poor nations with academic merit and a willingness to study but inadequate resources. These scholarships help young people serve the public good in their home countries and abroad by offering financial aid and foreign possibilities.

How to Apply for the Aga Khan Scholarships

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program applications commence in January and close in May. You must be eligible and submit a great application.


For an Aga Khan scholarship, you must:

  • Attend an accredited university as an undergraduate or graduate student under 30.
  • Have a 3.0 GPA minimum.
  • Show financial need. The scholarships are merit-based but also consider university affordability.
  • Be a citizen of an Aga Khan country. Middle East, East Africa, and Central and South Asia are examples.

The Application

The application requires several components:

  • Post-secondary academic transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are fine for first applications.
  • SAT, ACT, or GRE scores. Scores are obligatory for undergraduates and optional for masters.
  • Two instructor recommendation letters describing your skills and potential for success in your program.
  • A personal statement on your academic and professional goals, research experience, extracurricular activities, and contributions to home country development.
  • Also include bank statements, family assets, and dependents. This shows your financial necessity.
  • Academic performance, extracurricular activities, work experience, and financial necessity are considered by the committee. They seek motivated students who will utilize their degrees to improve their home nations and communities. Approximately 150-200 scholarships are given annually.

Finalists will be interviewed in person. The interview helps the committee assess your program fit. Scholarship awardees are contacted in July after final decisions. Scholarships cover tuition, living expenses, travel, and more. Good luck!

Tips for Writing a Strong Application

To win an Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship, submit a strong application. Tips to improve your essay and application:

Focus on Your Story

Share your background, accomplishments, and motivations. Explain your learning process and desire to reviewers. Discuss your resilience under adverse situations. Your tale will distinguish you.

Discuss Your Goals

Explain how the Aga Khan Foundation program will help you reach your academic and career goals. Be precise about your interests and how you'll use your knowledge to help society. Your goals and future vision should match the Foundation's.

Highlight Your Achievements

List your achievements, awards, honors, and leadership responsibilities. Discuss special projects you worked on. Your achievements and initiatives show you can succeed in a challenging academic program.

Get Good References

Request recommendation letters from teachers, community leaders, or employers who know you well. Meet with them to discuss your goals and letter emphasis. These glowing recommendations will show why you deserve this scholarship.

Carefully Follow Instructions

Check the application criteria for details and requirements. Please submit all requested works by deadlines. Before submitting, make sure you answered all essay prompts and completed all other application components.

With passion, purpose, and careful planning, you can create a standout application. Focusing on these strategies will improve your essay and raise your Aga Khan Foundation scholarship prospects. Good luck!


What does it take to earn the Aga Khan scholarship? A good academic record, leadership experience, and a desire to help others. You may succeed by starting early, committing to quality, and connecting your ambitions with AKF's vision. Use your initial failure to improve your future application. Hard work and enthusiasm could lead you to join AKF scholars of the past. Who knows—you could solve the world's biggest problems. The road is long, but the payoff is immense. Follow your mission, trust in yourself, and start today.


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