Friday, May 20, 2022

General Knowledge Important MCQs for All Type of Exams

General Knowledge MCQs for All Type of Exams| Important MCQs| MCQs for FPSC PPSC SPSC BPSC PMS CCE

Upon request of students, we have created a post for very important MCQs of general knowledge including Pakistan Affairs & Current Affairs.

General Knowledge MCQs always be preferred in exams (NTS, STS, PTS, FPSC, SPSC, PPSC, BPSC, PMS, CCE, or Others).

General knowledge always secures most of the parts of exams at least 30% to 40% in every test.

I personally share my experience that general knowledge is not so easy to cover overnight, it's worldwide including every minor to major things upon nature or man-made, history or modern. 

Here are the most useful MCQs of General Knowledge.

1. World Bank was established in?
2. Length of the Wall of China?
3. Total Verses in Holy Quran
4. Shortest Surah of the Holy Quran
5. Sunnah means
actions by Holy Prophet
6. Surah without Bismillah
7. Which Namaz in Rain
8. In 1930 Allama Iqbal's addressed at which place.
9. Pakistan resolution passed in which city...
10. Who presented the Pak resolution in 1940.
AK Fazlulhaq
11. First PM of Pakistan
Liaqat Ali Khan
12. Quaid swore as Governor-General on which date
15th August
13. Who presented objective resolution?
Liaqat Ali Khan, 12 March 1949
14. Who Wrote Pak National Anthem
Hafeez Jalandhar
15. Muslim league was established in which year
16. Decimal value of 0.2%
17. Instrument to measure pressure gases
18. Abdul Salam got a noble prize in which year
19. Bulb is made of
20. Einstein got a Nobel prize in which field...Physics, Biology, Chemistry
21. Largest continent in the world
22. Most populous Muslim Country
23. China is located in which part of Asia
East Asia
24. When the Kashmir resolution passed in the UN
25. Present constitution passed in which year
14 Aug 1973
26. Pakistan joined in UN on
30 Sept 1947
27. Disease due to Vitamin A
(the question is framed wrong) Carrot was the answer
28. Yen is the currency of
29. Only country that opposed Pakistan making
30. which color does not include in rainbow
31. Olive is the sign of
32. Tarbela Dam is on which river
33. State bank established in which year
34. Jamia masjid Delhi
35. Prophet Mohammad performed Hajj
36. a rectangle whose length is four times its width has a perimeter of 250. It’s the area?
Area 2500
37. Area of the square is 48. It’s the perimeter?
16, 32, (none of these)
38. Superficial act
39. 25% discount (and something I can’t recall)
75%, .75%, 25%, .25%
40. minor error/mistake
The normal heartbeat of an adult is? 72-80
38 One horsepower is equal to…746 wat
39 Units of electric current is …ampere
40 Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed how many hajj? ....1
41 Age of voting in Pakistan?....18
42 1st person to land on the moon...-Neil Armstrong
43. Who is the first president of the USA? George Washington
44. Jamia Masjid Delhi made by…Shahjahan


No.1 Number of Surah starts with the names of Prophets

Ans. 6(Surah Al-Younas, Hood, Yousaf, Ibrahim, Muhammad and Noah)

No.2 Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took part in ________Ghazwas

Ans. 27

Q.No.3 Hazrat __________ proposed Azan to call for prayers

Ans. Hazrat Umar(R.A)

Q.No.4 Where Hazrat Adam (A.S) met the Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Ans. First Heaven

Q.No.5 Which book was first revealed for the guidance of people?

Ans. Taurat

Q.No.6 Ushr is an Arabic and it means

Ans. 1/10th

Q.No.7 In which year A.H. usury(Sood) was declared prohibited

Ans. 9 A.H

Q.No.8 Ayat of Tayummam was revealed in

Ans. 4 A.H

Q.No.9 Angels of Hell are ________ in number

Ans. 19

Q.No.10 Hazrat Muhammad PBUH performed _______ Umrahs

Ans. 4

Q.No.11 ________was eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

Ans. Hazrat Qasim(R.A)

Q.No.12 Mountain where Noah’s Ark stopped is in _________?

Ans. Turkey

Q.No.13 Which bird was sent by Hazrat Noah(A.S)

Ans. Pigeon

Q.No.14 What was the length of the Ark of Hazrat Noah A.S

Ans. 400 yard

Q.No.15 Who migrated first time for the sake of Allah

Ans. Hazrat Loot(AS)

Q.No.16 speaker of the Prophets was a title attributed to

Ans. Hazrat Shoaib(AS)

Q.No.17 Who got blind by weeping too much upon the destruction of his nation by Allah?

Ans. Hazrat Shoaib(AS)

Q.No.18 Which prophet had to commit a murder?

Ans. Hazrat Musa(AS) age 30 years

Q.No.19 Hazrat Sulaiman founded the famous mosque

Ans. Al- Aqsa

Q.No.20 He was a carpenter by profession

Ans. Hazrat Zakria(AS)

Q.No.21 Atiq was the title of which companion of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Ans. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

Q.No.22 Who ordered Hazrat Ali Hajvary to come to Lahore for preaching

Ans. Mueenud din Chishti

Q.No.23 Najeeb Ullah was the title of

Ans. Hazrat Dawood(AS)

Q.No.24 Incident of Karbala took place on 10th Moharram

Ans. 61 A.H

Q.No.25 Karma Tayyaba is mentioned in the Holy Quran _______ times?

Ans. Two

Q.No.26 First Juma (Friday) prayer was offered by Hazrat Muhammad PBUH in

Ans. 1 A.H

Q.No.27 The command for ablution(Wazu) is present in

Ans. Surah Al- Nisa

Q.No.28 During Hajj number of Faraiz (Duties) are

Ans. 4

Q.No.29 Who performed 1st Hajj

Ans. Hazrat Adam(AS) and Hazrat Hawas (AS)

Q.No.30 First writer of Wahi (Revelation) was

Ans. Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed(RA)

Q.No.31 How many Ghazwas are described in Holy Quran

Ans. 12

Q.No.32 Which city is mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Ans. Florence, Italy

Q.No.33 Number of Surahs in the last part is?

Ans. 37

Q.No.34 Fateh Mubeen is called

Ans. Salah Hudaibiah

Q.No.35 Ghar-e-Sor (mount of saur) is mentioned in which surah?

Ans. Al Tauba

Q.No.36 Age of Hazrat Noah A.S Was?

Ans. 950 years

Q.No.37 Age of Hazrat Adam A.S Was?

Ans. 1000 years

Q.No.38 What Attribute of Allah Al-Bari means?

Ans. The Maker

Q.No.39 First Wahi (revelation) consisted of?

Ans. 05 verses of Surah Alaq

Q.No.40 Tomb of Hazrat Abu Ubaida bin Jirrah is at?

Ans. Damascus

Q.No.41 Age of Hazrat Noah A.S Was?

Ans. 950 years

Q.No.42 Who encourages Hazrat Abu Sufyan to embrace Islam

Ans. Hazrat Abbas

Q.No.43 Title of Saifullah was attributed to whom?

Ans. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed

Q.No.44 Who was the last wife of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Ans. Hazrat Jawaria R.A

Q.No.45 What was the number of Muslims at the time of the Conquest of Makkah

Ans. 10000

Q.No.46 Who was the first Commander of the Islamic Army

Ans. Hazrat Hamza R.A

Q.No.47 Hazrat Qabtia (wife of Muhammad PBUH) gave birth to?

Ans. Hazrat Ibrahim

Q.No.48 Who discovered Hajr-e-Aswad?

Ans. Hazrat Ismail A.S

Q.No.49 Declaration of Zakat was made in

Ans. 2 A.H

Q.No.50 Hijri Year was introduced by which companion of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Ans. Hazrat Umar R.A

Q.No.51 Usury (Sood) was declared prohibited in?

Ans. 9 A.H

Q.No.52 Hazrat Qsim R.A was eldest son of?

Ans. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

Q.No.53 Al-Aqsa Mosque was founded by?

Ans. Hazrat Suleman A.S

Q.No.54 Hazrat Zakaria was _____ by profession.

Ans. Carpenter

Q.No.55 Ijma is the ____ source of Islam

Ans. 3rd

Q.No.56 Najeeb Ullah was the title of?

Ans. Hazrat Dawood A.S

Q.No.57 Incident of Karbala took palce in

Ans. 61 AH

Q.No.58 Who many times prayer in Quran is commanded

Ans. 700 times

Q.No.59 Hazrat Muhammad PBUH prayed the first Jumma Prayer in

Ans. 1 A.H

Q.No.60 Ablution (Wazu) is mentioned in which surah?

Ans. Surah Al-Nisa

Q.No.61 Tayammum was allowed in?

Ans. 4 A.H

Q.No.62 Commandment for Hajj is in which Surah?

Ans. Surah Al-Imran

Q.No.63 First writer of Wahi (Revelation) was?

Ans. Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed (R.A)

Q.No.64 Youm-ul-Badr is also known as?

Ans. Your ul Furqan

Q.No.65 Islamic revolution took place in Iran in

Ans. 1979

Q.No.66 Ayatullah Khamnae ousted _____when he brought Islamic revolution to Iran

Ans. Shah Reza

Q.No.67 Islamic Coordinator was the title of

Ans. King Faisal

Q.No.68 Islamic Summit Minar is in

Ans. Lahore Pakistan

Q.No.69 Islamabad of Pakistan is known as

Ans. Brasilia of Pakistan

Q.No.70 First Islamic summit was held at Rabat in

Ans. 1969

Q.No.71 Second Islamic Summit was held ______ in 1974?

Ans. Lahore

Q.No.72 Who wrote Shahnama e, Islam?

Ans. Hafeez Jalandhary

Q.No.73 Spirit of Islam was written by

Ans. Syed Ameer Ali.

Q.No.74 Only Islamic state in Europe is

Ans. Albania

Q.No.75 How many prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran

Ans. 25

Q.No.76 How many times name of Hazrat Adam A.S mentioned in Quran?

Ans. 25 times

Q.No.77 How many times name of Hazrat Musa (Moses) A.S mentioned in Quran?

Ans. 136 times

Q.No.78 How many times name of Hazrat Jibrael A.S mentioned in Quran?

Ans. 3 times

Q.No.79 How many times has AHMAD been mentioned in Quran?

Ans. 1 time – Surah Saff

Q.No.80 How many times has MUHAMMAD been mentioned in Quran?

Ans. 4 times

Q.No.81 Which Imam memorized Holy Quran in seven days?

Ans. Imam Muhammad Bin Hassan R.A

Q.No.82 To whom was Hazrat Muhammad PBUH married last?

Ans. Hazrat Maimona Bint-e-Haris

Q.No.83 Number of daughters of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was?

Ans. 4

Q.No.84 10th year of Prophethood was named as

Ans. Year of sorrow (Aam ul Huzan)

Q.No.85 When did Hazrat Muhammad SAW travel to Taif?

Ans. 10th year of Prophethood

Q.No.86 Which companion was accompanied by Him when He traveled?

Ans. Hazrat Zaib Bin Haris R.A

Q.No.87 When first Ghazwa was fought?

Ans. 2 Hijri

Q.No.88 What was the name of the First Ghazwa

Ans. Ghazwa Abwa’a or Ghazwa Vidan

Q.No.89 What was the number of Muslims in the first Ghazwa?

Ans. 60 Muhajireen.

Q.No.90 Where is the grave of the father of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Ans. Dar ul Nabiga (Al-Madina)

Q.No.91 Where is the grave of Hazrat Khadija Tul Kubra R.A?

Ans. Graveyar of Makkah Maqbarah Hajoon

Q.No.92 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in first heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Adam A.S

Q.No.93 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 2nd heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Esa A.S

Q.No.94 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 3rd heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Yousaf A.S

Q.No.95 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 4th heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Musa A.S

Q.No.96 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 5th heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismail, Hazrat Ishaaq, Hazrat loot and Hazrat Yaqoob A.S

Q.No.97 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 6th heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Noah A.S and Hazrat Idress

Q.No.98 When Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to Meraaj who met with Him in 7th heaven?

Ans. Hazrat Israfil A.S ( Hazrat Ibrahim A.S is also reported)

Q.No.99 Where did Hazrat Muhammad PBUH talk to Allah?

Ans. Saab-e-Qausain

Q.No.100 Hazrat Zaid Bin Harsa was martyred in which Battle?

Ans. Malta

*1. How many verses are in Holy Qur’an? 
A. 6235                   B. 6666.✔ ★
C. 6237                   D. 6238
2. How many times is the word ‘Qur’an’ repeated in Holy Qur’an? 
A. 67    B. 68      C. 69      D. 70✔ ★
3. Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an? A. Honey      B. Milk✔  ★   C. Water    D. Juice
4 The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is? 
A. Honey✔  ★   B. Milk    C. Watermelon   D. Sabino
5. Which is the shortest Sura of the Holy Qur’an? 
A. Falaq     B. NASS    C. IKLASS    D. KAUSAR✔★
6. The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala though Halal is? 
A. Hajj   B. Divorce✔ ★  C. Marriage  D. Murder
7. Which letter is used the most time in Holy Quran?
A. Wa      B. Ba'un     C. Alif✔    ★    D. Qaf
8. Which letter is used the least in the Holy Qur’an?
A. Zaa ★✔     B. Maa     C. Taa     D. Laa
9. Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Fish   B. Whale    C. Elephant✔  ★  D. Anaconda
10. Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Fly     B. Mosquito✔ ★  C. Spider    D. Ant
11. How many words are in the smallest Sura (Kausar) of the Holy Qur’an?
A. 41     B. 42✔  ★   C. 43    D. 44
12. Which Sura of the Holy Quran is called the mother of the Qur’an? 
A. Baqara   B. Fatiha✔ ★  C. Iklass   D. Yaseen
13. How many Sura start with Al-Hamdulillah? 
A. Four   B. Five✔ ★   C. six   D. Seven
14. How many of Sura’s name is only one letter? 
A. Two    B. Three✔ ★   C. Four    D. Five
15. How many Sura start with the word ‘Inna ‘? 
A. Three   B. Four. ✔★   C. Five   D. Six
16. How many Sura are Makkahi
A. 85   B. 86✔  ★  C. 87    D. 88
17. and how suras many are Madni
A. 28 ★✔    B. 27    C. 26     D. 25
18. Which Sura is from the name of a tribe of the Holy Prophet?
A. Lahab    B. Quraish✔  ★ C. Hashim   D. Sabi
19. Which Sura is called the heart of the Holy Qur’an?
A. Iklas    B. Yaseen✔ ★   C. Fatiha     D. Mulk
20. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated only five times? 
A. An'am    B. Hajj✔  ★  C. Maryam     D. Mu'meen
21. Which Sura is the name of one Holy war? 
A. Room   B. Ahzab✔ ★   C. Fathi    D. Nasr
22. Which Sura is the name of one metal? 
A. Ra'ad    B. Hadeed✔  ★ C. Ahzab    D. HUD
23. Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an 
A. Fatiha   B. Yaseen    C. Jinn    D. Rahman✔ ★
24. Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of the Holy Qur’an? 
A. Al-Ikhlas ★  B. Falaq...  C. Nas  D. Fatiha
25. Which Sura was revealed twice? 
A. Iklaas   B. Fatiha✔ ★ C. Ayatul kursiyyu D. Tauba
26. In which Sura is the backbiter condemned? 
A. Munafiqun        B. Humaza✔ ★
C. Nuhu                  D. Zalzala
27. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated in every verse? 
A. Iklaas                  B. Mujadala✔ ★
C. Mumtahana         D. Fatiha
28. In which Sura does the letter ‘Fa’ not appear? 
A. Al-Imran            B. Baqara.
C. fatiha✔                   D. Nass
29. How many Suras start with word ‘ Tabara Kallazi’ 
A. 4      B. 3      C. 2 ★        D. 1
30. Makkan Suras were revealed in how many years? 
A. 13✔   B. 14     C. 15      D. 16
31. Medina Sura was revealed in how many years? 
A. 8   B. 9       C. 10✔  ★    D. 11
32. How many Suras start with the word Qad?
A. 2 ★✔    B. 3   C  4     D. 5
33. Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali? 
A. Humaza   B. Tagabun   C. Adiyat✔  ★  D. Balad
34. Which Sura has every verse ending with the letter ‘Dal ‘?
A. Iqra'a   B. falaq   C. Balad   D. Iklas✔★
35. Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt?
A. Luqman    B. Qamar   C. Layl   D. Insan✔ ★
36. Which Sura every verse ends with the letter ‘Ra'
A. Buruj   B. Dariq   C. Kausar✔ ★    D. Shams
37. In which Sura is the creation of human beings mentioned? 
A. Hajj    B. Hijr✔ ★    C. Hadid    D. Humaza
38. In which Sura is the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned? 
A. Baqara            B. Al- Imran
C. Nisa✔     ★           D. Insan
39. Which Sura deals with the laws of marriage? 
A. Dalaq   B. Mujadala    C. Nisa✔  ★  D. Mumtahana
40. In which Sura is the story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned? 
A. Baqara   B. Taha✔ ★ C. Qasas     D. Kahfi
41. In which Sura is the law of inheritance mentioned? 
A. Nisa. ★✔   B. Ma'ida    C. Noor     D. Anbiya
42. In which Sura is the Hijra of the Holy Prophet mentioned? 
A. A'araf   B. HUD   C. Nuhu    D. Anfal✔ ★
43. In which Sura is the 27 Attributes of Allah mentioned? 
A. Hadeed✔   ★              B. Rahman
C.Yunus                      D. Yusuf
44. Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an? 
A. Qamar                       B. Qadar✔ ★
C. Najm                          D. Layl
45. Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Rajab              B. Sha'abān
C. Ramadan ★✔       D. Hajj

46. How many words are in the longest Sura of the Holy Qur’an? 
A. 25500✔       ★           B. 26600
C. 27700                  D. 28800
47. How many times is Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem repeated?
A. 116      B. 115     C. 114✔  ★    D. 113
48. How many Sura start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem? 
A. 116       B. 115       C. 114     D. 113✔ ★


📖 1st Military Award (Nishan-e-Haider).

📖 2nd Military Award (Hilal-e-Jurat).

📖 3rd Military Award (Sitar-e-Jurat).

📖 Pak-India Border (Red-Cliff) (1610 km).

📖 Pak-Afghan Border (Duran Line) ( 2252 km).

📖 Pak-China Border(Sino Line) (600 km)

📖 Pak-Iran Border (800 km)

📖 Biggest Civil Award (Nishan-e-Pakistan)

📖 Seats in Senate (104).

📖 Seats in National Assembly (342).

📖 Separation of East Pakistan (16-December-1971 ).

📖 Longest River In the world (Neel River)

📖 Deepest River In World ( Amazon)

📖 Operation of Swat ( Barah-e-Rast) Started in 2009

📖 Swat Got Hilal-e-Aisar in this Operation

📖 Tarbela Dam (In Swabi on River Sindh)

📖 Mangla Dam (In Mirpur Azad Kashmir on River Jehlum)

📖 Warsaw Dam (In Warsak, On River Kabul)

member of words in anthem=50

📖 Number of lines in anthem=15

📖 Number of amendments made =18

📖 several troops in a division are 12000 to 20,000.

📖 Number of troops in the brigade is 4000 to 5000

📖 Premadasa is ex President of Srilanka

📖 India launched its first Missile with the name of Prithvi.

📖 Literacy rate in Pakistan is 57%

📖 Chenab and Jehlum flow from Kashmir.

📖 Tirchmir is the highest peak of Hindukush.

📖 A bicameral legislature was proposed for the first time in the 1973 constitution.

📖 Length of the Pak-India border is 1,610 km.

📖 Length of the Pak-Iran border is 805 km

📖 Length of the Pak-China border is 595 km.

📖 Length of the Pak-Afghan border is 2252 km or 1300 miles.

📖 Warsak dam is on the Kabul River.

📖 Rawal Dam is on Kerrang River.

📖 Khanpur dam is on the Haro River.

📖 Tanda dam is in KPK.

📖 Tarbela dam was completed in 1969.

📖 Length of Indus is 2900 km.

📖 Source of Indus is Mansoorowar Lake in Gilgit.

📖 Muztag pass connects Gilgit-Yarkand (China).

📖 Khankum Pass connects Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan).

📖 The Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit.

📖 Khyber Pass connects Peshawar-Kabul Kulk pass connects Gilgit-China.


1.  How many Sura are in Holy Quran? 114
2. How many Verses are in Holy Quran? 6666.
3. How many dots are in Holy Quran? 1015030.
4. How many over bar (saber) are in Holy Quran? 93243
5. How many under the bar ( Zaer ) are in Holy Quran? 39586
6. How many Raque are in Holy Quran? 1000.
7. How many stops ( Waqf ) are in Holy Quran? 5098.
8. How many Thashdeed are in Holy Quran? 19253.
9. How many letters are in Holy Quran? 323671
10 How many pashes are in Holy Quran? 4808.
11. How many Madd are in Holy Quran? 1771
12 How many words are in Holy Quran? 77701.
13 How many parts of the Holy Quran ? 30.
14 How many times Bismillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated? 114.
15 How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem ? 113.
16 How many times the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran? 70.
17 Which is the longest Sura of the Holy Quran? Al-Baqarah.
18 Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran? Milk.
19 The best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Quran is? Honey.
20 Which is the shortest Sura of the Holy Quran? Quasar.
21 The longest verse of the Holy Quran is in which Sura? Al-Baqarah No.282
22 The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is? Divorce
23 Which letter is used the most time in Holy Quran.? Alaph
24 Which letter is used for the last time in Holy Quran? Zaa.
25 Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran? Night of Qadar.
26 Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran? Ramzan.
27 Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran? Elephant.
28 Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran? Mosquito
29 How many words are in the longest Sura of the Holy Quran? 25500.
30 How many words are in the smallest Sura of the Holy Quran? 42
31 Which Sura of the Holy Quran is called the mother of the Quran? Sura Hamd
32 How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah ? Five: Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.
33 Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of the Holy Quran? Tanveer, 114 verses.
34 How many of Sura's name is only one letter? Three: Qaf, Sad & Noon.
35 How many Sura start with the word " Inna "? Four sura - Fatha, Nuh,Qadr, Qausar.
36 Which Sura has the number of its verses equal to the number of Masumeen? Saf, 14 verses.
37 Which sura are called Musabbahat? Esra, Hadeed, Hsar, Juma, Taghabun & Aala.
38 How many suras are Makkah and how many are Madni? Macci 86, Madni 28.
39 Which sura is on the name of a tribe of the Holy Prophet? Quresh
40 Which sura is called the heart of the Holy Quran? Yaseen.
41 In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five times? Sura al-Haj.
42 Which sura are named Azaiam? Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.
43 Which sura is the name of one Holy war? Sura Ahzaab.
44 Which sura is on the name of one metal? Sura Hadeed
45 Which sura does not starts with Bismillah? Sura Tauba.
46 Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran? Sura Rehman.
47 Which sura is considered as 1/3 of the holy Quran? Sura Tauheed.
48 The name of how many suras are without da ot? Hamd, Raad, Toor, Room, Masad.
49 In which sura Besmillah came twice? Sura Name.
50 How many suras start with the Initials ( Mukette'at )? 29 Sura.
51 Which Sura was revealed twice? Sura Hamd.
52 In which Sura the back biter are condemned? Sura Humzah.
53 In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse? Sura Mujadala.
54 In which Sura the letter 'Fa' did not come? Hand.
55 Which Sura are called Muzetain? Falk & Nas.
56 Which are those Sura if their name is reversed remain the same? Lael & Sabbat.
57 Which is that Sura if its first letter is removed becomes the name of one of the cities of Saudi Arabia? Sajdah
58 Which Sura starts with the word ' Tabara Kallazi'? Mulk & Furkan
59 Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ? 13 years
60 Madani Sura were revealed in how many years? 10 years.
61 Which sura starts with the word Kad? Mujadara & Momenoon.
62 Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali? Sura Adult.
63 How many Sura are in 30th. Chapter? 37.
64 Which sura every verse ends with the letter 'Dal '? Tauheed.
65 Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet? Sura Dahr.
66 Which sura every verse ends with the letter ' Ra '? Quasar.
67 In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned? Sura Hijr V-26.
68 In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned? Sura Nesa
69 Which sura is having the laws about marriage? Sura Nesa.
70 Which sura if its name is reversed becomes the name of one bird? Sura Room.
71 In which sura the story of the worship of the cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned? Sura Taha.
72 In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned? Sura Nesa.
73 In which sura the Hegira of the Holy Prophet is mentioned? Sura Infall.
74 In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned? Sura Hadeed.


1. Which is the highest dam in Pakistan?
Ans.Mangala dam
2. Which is the largest dam in Pakistan?
3. Name the biggest mobile company in Pakistan.
4. Which is the biggest university in Pakistan?
Ans.Punjab university
5. which is the oldest forest in Pakistan?
6. Largest forest Changa Manga
7. Largest city Karachi
8. Which is the largest division of Pakistan?
9. Which is the largest division of Punjab?
10. Which is the largest district of Pakistan?
11. The biggest airline in Pakistan
12. First lady police station of Pakistan was established.
13. Which city of Pakistan has the largest number of police stations?
14. The area with the lowest rainfall in Pakistan?.
15. Pakistan mainly imports edible oil from:
16. Largest imports are made by Pakistan from:
17. Largest exports are made by Pakistan to:
18. Pakistan's largest export item is:
19. Which crop is mostly cultivated on the Indus delta soils?
20. The area highest rainfall in Pakistan:
21. Indicate the number of Pakistan area-wise in the world?
22. Name the province which has the longest coastline:
23. Where is bagh e Jinnah situated?
24. Name the biggest park in Pakistan?
Ans.Ayub National Park Rawalpindi.
25. Name the crop sown in the largest area of Pakistan:
26. Name the biggest bridge in Pakistan:
Ans.Sakhar bridge
27. Name the biggest commercial bank in Pakistan:
Ans.Habib Bank ltd
28. Which is the biggest airport in Pakistan?
Ans.Quaid e Azam International Airport 
29. Which is the hottest place in Pakistan?
30. Name the highest battlefield in Pakistan as well in the World:
Ans.Siachin glacier
31. Name the area of Pakistan which receives the heaviest snowfall in a year:
32. Which is the highest peak of Pakistan with a height of 8611 m above sea level also known as Goodwin Austin?


1. Aab-e-zam zam is 140 feet deep. 
2. Halide bridge canal is the biggest canal in Pakistan. 
3. Length of river Ravi is 901 km. 
4. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) migrated to Madina in 13th Nabvi. 
5. Africa is known as Dark Continent. 
6. Holy Quran was revealed in 611 A.C. 
7. After the freedom war Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took the responsibility for Muslims. 
8. Suzie is the name of a city. 
9. Aurangzeb Aalamgir made Badshahi Mosque. 
10. Tarbella dam is located in Khyber pakhtun khawa. 
11. Liaquat Ali Khan was got Martyred on 16th October, 1951. 
12. Bible was revealed on Hazrat Isa (A.S). 
13. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the first president of Pakistan, who was not in the Army. 
14. Bangladesh is in the east of Pakistan. 
15. Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramzan. 
16. Jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan. 
17. Hina Lake is in Quetta. 
18. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) had 7 children.3 sons and 4 daughters. 
19. Messenger of ALLAH is called Prophet. 
20. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) build “Khana Kaaba”. 
21. Quaid e Azam started his law practice in 1901. 
22. Yousaf Raza Gillani is the 18th prime minister of Pakistan. 
23. Pakistan first accepted Iran as a Country. 
24. Ameer-u-deen khhudwai designed the national flag. 
25. Hazrat Usman (R.A) arranged the present arrangement of the Holy Quran. 
26. Simon commission came to Pakistan in 1928-1929. 
27. Name of the book of Ch. Rehmat Ali Khan is “NOW OR NEVER”. 
28. “Urdu Hindi dispute” started in 1867. 
29. In the 2nd world war America Attacked Belgium. 
30. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) embraced Islam in the 6th Hijri. 
31. PIA was established in 1955. 
32. Muhammad bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir. 
33. Ali Garh college got the status of a university in 1920. 
34. Indian national congress was established by A.O Hume. 
35. Mehmood Abbas is the president of Palestine. 
36. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi attacked 17 times on the sub-continent. 
37. Members of national and provincial assemblies elected the members of the senate. 
38. Punjab University is the largest university in Pakistan. 
39. Oldest powerhouse in Pakistan is “Warsik Dam”.
40. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) first came to Madina in the 13th Nabvi. 
41. First five verses of the Holy Quran were revealed in Cave Hira. 
42. the Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world. 
43. the Atlantic Ocean lies between America and Africa. 
44. Head office of OIC is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 
45. The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York. 
46. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan died on 27th March 1898. 
47. Nehru's report was presented in 1928. 
48. Term “War on Terror” was used after 9/11. 
49. Surah Baqra is at number 2 in Holy Quran. 
50. David Cameron is the prime minister of the UK. 
51. ECO (economic Corporation Organization) consists of 10 members. 
52. Writer of “Israr-e-Khudi” is Allama Iqbal. 
53. Minto Marley's terms were made in 1909. 
54. “Malay” is the capital of Mandeep. 
55. Holy Quran is the 4th Holy Book. 
56. Descartes discover geometry in 1619. 
57. Nelson Mandela was the first blackish leader of South Africa. 
58. 20 abutments have been made in the 1973 constitution. 
59. Angel of death is Hazrat Izraeel (A.S). 
60. Norway Is known as the “land of setting sun”. 
61. Japan is known as the “land of the rising sun”. 
62. Anti-terrorist center is established in Peshawar. 
63. Israel came into being in 1948. 
64. Sana’a is the mountain near Khana Kaaba. 
65. the First journey of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was to Abwa. 
66. “End of The World theory” was presented by Yokoyama. 
67. Muslims entered Sindh in 712. 
68. Land between Pakistan and Kazakhstan is known as the “Pak Afghan Bo ladder”. 
69. Area of Punjab is 205345 km. square. 
70. Angela Markel is germen chancellor. 
71. Afghanistan has no prime minister. 
72. Najashi was preached by Hazrat Jafar Tayyar (R.A). 
73. English Channel is associated with BBC. 
74. Abu Sufiyan was the leader of non-Muslims in Ghazwa-e-Ohad. 
75. Badar is the name of a ground. 
76. 1857 war was fought between England and India. 
77. Head office of SAARC is in Kathmandu, Nepal.


1. Bahadur shah Zafar ruled for 20 years.
2. Abu Sufiyan embraced Islam in the 8th Hijri. 
3. Incidents of “Chora Chori” were held in 1920. 
4. “Yang He” is in china. 
5. There are 12 months in the Islamic calendar. 
6. GHQ is located in Rawalpindi. 
7. Holy Quran has 558 Raku. 
8. the First mosque built by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was “Quba”. 
9. Area of Afghanistan is 647500km. square. 
10. Population of Pakistan in 1998 was 13000000. 
11. “Puma Lake” is in America. 
12. Hazrat Ameer Hamza (R.A) was the uncle of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W). 
13. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was “Son in law” of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A). 
14. Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757. 
15. The meaning of Arithmetic is “Sequence”. 
16. Grand Canal is in china. 
17. In Pakistan voters should be of 18 years. 
18. “River Tiger” is in Iraq. 
19. Largest waterfall in the world is in “Venswella”. 
20. Last Asian games were held in China. 
21. “Anti Peterson” was the first women councilor of America. 
22. Head of ICJ (International Court of Justice) is in The Hague (Netherlands). 
23. First Pakistani Squash champion is Hashim khan. 
24. Jan Sher khan is a Pakistani Squash player, who has won most championships. 
25. “Mosque Zarrar” was the name of the mosque of Munafqeen. 
26. Hinda was the wife of Abu Sufiyan. 
27. Football world cup is held after every four years. 
28. Old name of Khana Kaaba is “Harram”. 
29. Venice, the Bride of the Sea is in northern Italy. 
30. Allama Iqbal was a student of “MISSION HIGH SCHOOL, SIALKOT”. 
31. Great Wall of China was completed in 204 B.C. 
32. Great Wall of China is 1500 miles long, 25 ft high and 12 ft wide at the top. 
33. The city of Rome was founded in 753 B.C. 
34. So far 27 abutments have been made in the US constitution. 
35. The statue of liberty was installed in 1886; its height is 151.1 feet. 
36. IRNA is the news agency of Iran. 
37. Largest desert in Pakistan is “Thar”. 
38. Whale fish feeds its babies on milk.


1. British higher military award is “The Victoria cross”. 
2. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil exporter in the world. 
3. Russia embedded Afghanistan in1979. 
4. Mustafa kamal, particularly known as kamal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey was born in 1881 and died in 1938. 
5. Pakistan put its first satellite Badar-I into orbit in 1990. 
6. North Yaman and south Yaman were reunited as Yaman in 1990. 
7. The original inhabitants of America are known as red Indians. 
8. The legislative assembly of AJK consists of 49 seats. 
9. The modern Olympic Games were first held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. 
10. Gawadar became a part of Pakistan on 9 September 1958. 
11. Suez Canal was opened in 1869. 
12. Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933. 
13. The people's republic of china was established in 1949 after the defeat of nationalist forces. 
14. Pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan are “Khyber pass, Bolan pass, and Khojak pass.” 
15. “Panjnad pass” join Pakistan and china. 
16. America, Britain, Russia, France, Japan, Italy, and Germany are G-8 countries. 
17. Pakistan, India, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan are countries of  SAARC. 
18. “Mongolia” is in the east of China. 
19. “Sues canal” is in Egypt. This canal joins the red sea and the Mediterranean Sea. 
20. “Panama canal” is in Panama. 
21. “Dead sea” is in Jordan. Aquatic life is not possible in this. 
22. “Atlantic ocean” is between America and Europe. 
23. “Hilal-e-Jurat” is after Nishan e Haider in Military Awards.
24. “Somalia” is located in Africa. 
25. National anthem is written by Hafeez Jalandhar. 
26. no sea touches the boundaries of Afghanistan and Nepal. 
27. Brig. Shami, Sarfraz Rafique, and M.M Alam were awarded by “Hilal-e-Jurat”. 
28. the Indian Ocean is in the south of Pakistan. 
29. “ALLAHU AKBAR” is the slogan of Pak Army. 
30. Lance Naik is equal to an Airman of the Air Force. 
31. “Green peace” is an Agency for taking care of the environment. 
32. There are 99 men and 22 women in the Khyber Pakhtun Khawa assembly. 
33. British have no written constitution. 
34. India did a nuclear explosion in “Pokhran”. 
35. If there is an explosion on Sun, its sound cannot reach the earth. 
36. “Yellow Sea” is in China. 
37. “Black Sea” is in turkey. 
38. West Indies is in the north of Latin America. 
39. K-2 is part of “Qaraqaram Mountain”.

General Knowledge:-

1. Pakistan did a nuclear explosion on 28th May 1998 at Chaghi. 
2. Ghouri missile is a nuclear missile. Its name is the name of Shahab-u-din Ghouri. 
3. Chief justice of Pakistan is Iftikhar Ahmed Choudhry. 
4. Sky color is blue due to Ozone. 
5. There are 57 countries in OIC. 
6. 207 countries are in UNO. 
7. Upper house of Parliament is called Senate. 
8. Longest boundary of Pakistan is the Durand line along with Afghanistan. 
9. K.R.L is the abbreviation of Kahuta Research Laboratories.
10. Nepal is in the west of Bhutan. 
11. Quetta, Chaman, Zob, Ziarat, Qalat. 
12. Objective resolution was presented by Liaquat Ali Khan in 1949, in the national assembly. 
13. “Khanki Barrage” is located near Mian Chung. 
14. Red color is a sign of dander because its frequency is very high. 
15. “Desert Gobi” is in China. 
16. Parade held on the 23rd of March is known as the Pakistan Day Parade. 
17. “McMahon line” is the boundary line between China and India. 
18. Panama is in South America. 
19. GTR means Grand Trunk Road. 
20. Taxila is located between Rawalpindi and Attock. 
21. “Nishan-e-Pakistan” is a higher civil award of Pakistan. 
22. Highest battlefield is “Siachen Glacier”. 
23. New Zealand is in Australia's continent. 
24. Length of Pakistan India Border is 1610 km. 
25. Length of the boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan is 2250 km. 
26. Brigadier and Air commodore of the Air force are equal. 
27. “Hatf missile” is on the name of the Sword of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W). 
28. Weight of any object on earth will be equal to 1/6 of its original weight. 
29. Area of turkey is 744742 km. square. 
30. Afghanistan is in the north of Iran. 
31. The 8th OIC conference was held in Iran in 1997. 
32. “Minar-e-Pakistan is 197 feet high. 
33. GT road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri. 
34. Pakistan is a member of D-8, ECO, SAARC, UNO, and OIC. 
35. Dr. Abdul Salam was rewarded with a first noble prize in physics. 
36. The 4th OIC conference was held in Pakistan. 
37. Red sea is beside Saudi Arabia and Yaman. 
38. the Mediterranean Sea in the south of Europe, north of Africa, and in the west of Asia

Mostly Asked #Capital of Countries in Exams

The capital of Turkey is Ankara
The capital of Uganda is Kampala
The capital of China is Beijing
The capital of Kuwait is Kuwait City
The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur
The capital of the USA is Washington DC
The capital of Spain is Madrid
The capital of Italy is Rome
The capital of Australia is Canberra
The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia
The capital of Israel is Jerusalem 
The capital of Iraq is Baghdad
The capital of Japan is Tokyo
The capital of the UK is London 
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington
The capital of Poland is Warsaw
The capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte and Colombo
The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta
The capital of Germany is Berlin
The capital of Egypt is Ciro
The capital of Angola is Luanda
The capital of is Chad is N’Djamena
The capital of Finland is Helsinki
The capital of Kenya in Nairobi
The capital of Monaco is Monaco Ville
The capital of Maldives is Male
The capital of Romania is Bucharest
The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava
The capital of Yemen is Sanaa
The capital of India is New Delhi
The capital of Jamaica is Kingston
The capital of the Philippines is Manila City
The capital of Chile is Santiago
The capital of Switzerland is Bern
The capital of Kazakhstan is Nur-Sultan (Changed in March 2019)
The capital of the Netherland is Amsterdam 
The capital of Lebanon is Beirut 
The capital of Taiwan is Taipei
The capital of UAE is Abu Dhabi
The capital of Sudan is Khartoum 
The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent 
The capital of Sweden is Stockholm
The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang
The capital of South Korea is Seoul
The capital of South Sudan is Juba
The capital of Brazil is Brasilia
The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul
The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku

Bps- 07 & Assistant PPS- 05 Conducted test by OTS 
Dated : 05-01-2020
Batch 01 & 03

1- surah haj have how many Ayats 
2- how many ayats in Quran e Paak 
3- what is the name 6th Kalam 
4- Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was born after the 2000 years as a prophet?  
5- which surah started without Bismillah 
6- how many times Isam e MUHAMMAD S.A.W is maintained Quran e Kareem 
7- what is the name of a son of Hazrat AS which nation is belonging to Yahoo 
8- which sahabi is not in Asharah mubasharah 
9- which Dhabi R.A  got the title Saifullah 
10- Which Sahabi R.A got the title of Asad Ullah 
11- Zaboor was relived on 
12- which book is called the old testament 
13- when Hazrat Umar Entered in islam 
14- When khutba Haj tul widda was delivered 
15- Abu Jamal was killed in which battle
16- which is the first mosque in Islam 
17- in which surah masjid  e Quba is maintioned
18- how many prophets' names are in Quran 
19- woh many battles are mentioned in Quran e Majeed
20- which year is associated with prophet SAW's birth 
21- which Sahabi RA has the longest khilafat 
22- what is the total time period of khulfa e rashideen RA 
23- woh many total ayat in Quran e Hakeem 
24- Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed RA belonging to which tribe 
25- what is the name of the holy book of Judaism 
26- total period of revealed Quran e Hakeem 
27- 9th Zul hajj is also called 
29- what is the first surah of the Quran Majeed 
28- Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz was the 2nd khalifa of which tribe
29- who wrote tarjuman ul qauran 
30- when India stopped rivers and water of Pakistan 
31-when India started curfew in Kashmir 
32- which chief justice has the longest tenor 
33- when Allam Iqbal born 
34- when be nazir become PM 
35- what is the name of Pak Afghan border
36- length of Pakistan coastal line 
37-Rahman Dam is going to construct on which dan 
38- when the berlin wall was built 
39- what is the old name of Astana 
40- when Frisbey was invented 
41- who is the inventor of the tracker 
42- which tribe considered the Quran e peak as the creator of Allah Almighty 
43- when Columbus was discovered America 
44- when Pakistan won the 2nd T-20 World Cup 
45- when Pakistan did its first drone experiment 
46- which international boy is not a part of UNO 
47- Current UNO Director is belonging to which country 
48- international court of justice consisted of how many judges 
49-  who is the current president of Brazil 
50- world longest glacier lambert consists of how many Killo meters 
51- Rico dig is the port of which mountain range 
52- king Zahir u din Babar was lived in which city 
53- what is the range of Indian space shuttle Chadian II 
54- who is the founder of the Indian National congress
55- who is the chief architect of the map of Pakistan 
56- what is the height of K2 
57-  which Pakistani poet got a lifetime achievement award at the UBL award ceremony 2019 
58- which award Imran has received during his cricket carrier 
59- how many distances from earth to the moon 
60- which country signed a peace agreement with harmony during the world war1 
61- who is the American representative to Afghanistan 
62- who is the current chief justice of Pakistan 
63- who is the Dj ISPR of Pakistan 
64- Nasa Stand for 
65- when anjuman e himayat e islam was formed 
66- who is the first president of  PML 
67- jainawala miscart is took place in 
68- how many districts are added to kpk according to the 26 amendment act 
69- what is the magnitude of the earthquake which hit Pakistan in 2005 
70- which devices are used to measure wheel speed of a motor / vhichcale 
71- we used vitamin A for what 
72- scatterometer is used for
73- which gas make colorless to olley of brass 
74- what is the Punjab share in the total area of Pakistan 
75- how many percent of peoples ars used to speak Punjabi in Pakistan 
76- jheel manchar is located in 
77-  National Bank of Pakistan installed world heights ATM machine at where 
78- what is the rank of Khuwra Salat in the world 
79- what is the rake of Pakistan by population 
80- Pakistan has the largest army in the world 
81- which is the national fruit of Pakistan 
82- when American national Muslim MUHAMMAD Ali has died 
83- who invented T mobile series in 1908 
84- Rom stand for 
85- how many columns we can add to 1 page of Ms. Word 
86- what is the extension name of MS word 
87-  how can I add a spelling check in ms word 
88- which function  is not available in the adit image 
89- who we can open a new file along with the old file 

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