Wednesday, May 18, 2022

CSS Exam Sociology, Psychology, History of Pakistan and India, and Anthropology Paper May 2022

FPSC CSS Exam of Sociology, Psychology, History of Pakistan & India, and Anthropology| CSS Exam 2022| CSS Past Paper| May 2022

Federal Public Service Commission FPSC service commission exam of 17-grade officers in federal departments of government ( Federal Government ).

In Pakistan every year a competitive exam is held by the federal public service commission fpsc, the exam is named by a brand CSS central superior services.

The CSS (central superior services) exam consists of 12 papers in which six papers are compulsory while the second half is of the candidate's choice to choose from the list of subjects.

In the past papers on any subject is key to chasing success because they can define the behavior of paper formate of questions and other policies defined in the paper. 

 CSS Paper Presentation Techniques 

Hey there! I am sharing some paper presentation techniques that I employed in my own papers in CSS 2020. 

Paper presentation has some important principles. 


1- Effective communication

2- Simplicity of the ideas

3- Usage of different colors(black and blue) and thicknesses of markers and pens for easily getting your ideas across to the examiner. Use colors consistently across the whole paper.

4- A Map should be relevant to the question asked and should address the CENTRAL IDEA of the question.

5- A Map should ideally provide your 'Analysis' and 'Opinion' rather just description. (Very important)

6- Most importantly, SPEED. It takes ALOT of time to make maps. So practice making maps and diagrams to avoid wasting time during the actual exam. You should be able to make them quickly.

I hope this should be very helpfull for all aspirants!

Today we are going to share some past papers for the 2022 CSS exam.


Subject: Sociology

Max Marks: 80

Max Time: Three Hours
Q#02:- Deviant Behaviour is the result of ineffective social control. Comment on the flaws existing in the formal and informal mechanisms of social control with examples and add how these mechanisms can be improved.
Q#03:- Since the inception of Pakistan as an independent country, numerous education policies have been developed but have not stood productive towards ensuring hundred percent enrolment. Describe the systemic flaws and other restraining forces behind it.
Q#04:- Compare Ibn-e-Khaldun's Asubiya and Durkheim's social solidarity based on consonance and dissonance in the major premises of their theories. Q#05:- Social issues are investigated through quantitative and qualitative modes of inquiry in variable situations. Explain the different situations with examples, reflecting the proper application of the two methods.
How can sexually abused children be reintegrated into society? Highlight the role of formal and informal agents/organizations in the socio-cultural landscape of Pakistan. Q#07:- Max Weber and Talcott Parsons have theorized social action from their variable perspectives, Highlighting the contributions of both thinkers and also locating the divergence in their standpoints.

Q#08:- Write notes on the following: (1) Social functions of religion
(ii) Cultural Relativism


Subject: Psychology

Max Marks: 80

Max Time: Three Hours

Q#02:- What are the major approaches in contemporary psychology? What are psychology's key issues and controversies?
Q#03:- Define intelligence. Differentiate between fluid and crystallized intelligence. Explain why crystallized intelligence is more a reflection of culture as compared to fluid intelligence?
Q#04:- Define emotions and describe how James-Lange and Cannon-Bard's theories of emotions differ in the role of arousal in emotions, along with examples and limitations.
Q#05:- Explain how the right to privacy, anonymity, and informed consent relates to psychological testing? Describe the issues associated with test takers from multicultural backgrounds.
Q#06:- Differentiate between the Kohlberg and Gilligan approaches to moral development during adolescents and early adulthood.
Q#07:- What are the major differences between trait, learning, biological, evolutionary, and humanistic approaches to personality?
Q#08:- What are the types, etiology, and symptoms of mood disorders? Explain your answer according to DSM classification.

CSS Exam Sociology, Psychology, History of Pakistan and India, and Anthropology Paper May 2022


Subject: Anthropology

Max Marks: 80

Max Time: Three Hours

Q#02:- Anthropology focuses on every aspect of human beings through physical anthropology, Virchaeology, linguistic anthropology, and socio-cultural anthropology. Explain.
Q#03:- Distinguish among three major types of food production systems i.e. horticulture intensive agriculture and pastoralism. How agriculture can be developed to bring about economic prosperity in Pakistan?
Q#04:- Explain internal and external conflict theories about the emergence of early state societies. Social stratification is one of the defining qualities of the state. Explain.
Q#05:- Explain the theory of structural-functionalism of Radcliffe-Brown in which aspects of culture are viewed in terms of the part they play in maintaining the social structure.

Q#06:- Define ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
and medications. How does patrilineal organization
Q#07:- Define patrilineal and matrilineal organizations. How does patrilineal organization affect the political organization in Pakistan Society?

Define social stratification. Differentiate between caste and class societies with references to examples from South Asia.


Subject: History of Pakistan & India

Max Marks: 80

Max Time: Three Hours

Elaborate upon the causes of Muslim's success in India against the local Hindu rulers which greatly helped in the consolidation of Muslim rule in South Asia
Q#02:- What was the Mongol threat to India and how did the Sultans of Delhi succeed in repulsing them from the frontiers of India,
Q#03:- Analyze the Muslim polities in the Muslim majority province during 1940-1947 and its impact upon the South Aida
Q#04:- Elaborate on the Charismatic leadership o Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, particularly his efforts in the political mobilization of the Muslims in India during 1936-1947.
Evaluate the Centre-Province relations in Pakistan during 1947-1956 and its impact on the Pakistan State and Society.
Critically analyze the fall of Dhaka, particularly the cause which led to the dismemberment of Pakistan in December 1971.
Critically analyze Pakistan's relation with Afghanistan in the wake of the Pashtoonistan issue during the Cold War Era.

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