Sunday, October 2, 2022

English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC

English Preposition For All Kind of Exams| IBA bps 5-15| SPSC Exams

As IBA officials announced that in the month of october iba will distribute admit slips for the test of BPS 5-15 and also suggest to keep visit iba candidate portal for updates.

IBA will conduct recruitment test for the post of BPS 5-15 in the last week of month october and it will take around one month to complete the process of test due to the large number of candidates applied against the test iba bps 5-15.

Also they said test will be conduct from the sample paper as 40% of English while 60% will include mathematics general knowledge islamic studies general science etc.

After 12 to 15 hours they will share the results of test.

For English portion we should prepare the main topics just like preposition, sentence completion and correction, synonyms and antonyms, reading comprehension etc

We have best notes for preposition which are given below;


A Preposition is a word placed (before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands 'in regard to something else.

The word Preposition means that which is placed before
Read the following sentences :

(1) There is a cow in the field.
(2) He is fond of tea. (3) The cat jumped off the chair

(1) In sentence 1, the word in shows the relation between two things - cow Land field In this sentence, the Preposition joins a noun to another Noun. (2) In sentence 2, the word of shows the relation between the attribute expressed by the adjective fond and tea In this sentence, the Pre position joins. La Noun to an Adjective

(3.) In sentence 3. the word off shows The relation between the action expressed by the verb jumped and the chair. In this sentence, the Preposition joins a Noun to a Verb.

The Noun or pronoun which is used with a Preposition is called its Obiect. It is in the Accusative case and is said to be governed by the Preposition.

Thus, in sentence 1, the noun field is in the Accusative case, governed by the Pre position in.

A Preposition may have two or more' objects; as

The road runs over hill and plain.

A Preposition is usually placed before' its object but sometimes it follows it ; as

(1) Here is the watch that] you asked for.

(2) That is the boy (whom) I was
speaking of.

(3) What are you looking at.

(4) What are you thinking of.

NOTE : When the object is the Relative Pronoun that as in sentence 1, the Pre position is always placed at the end.

The Preposition is often placed at the end when the object is an interrogative pronoun (as in sentences 3 and 4) or a Relative Pronoun understood ( as in sentence 2)
NOTE : Sometimes the object is | placed first for the sake of emphasis, as
This I insist on. He is known all the world over.

The Prepositions for from , in, on are often omitted before nouns of place or time ; as, We did it last week
I cannot walk a yard
Wait a minute


Prepositions may be arranged in 'the following classes
(1) Simple Prepositions at by for from in off on out through, till, to, up with
Read the following sentences :
1. The book is on the table
(2) The ben is in the pencil box.
(3) He came with us
(4.) I met a beggar on the way.
(5) Father is at home
(6) She is proud of her beauty
(7.) He is married to Rita
(8) congratulate you on your success in the examination
(9.) We deeply sympathised for her.
(10) He is now free from pain.

(2) Compound Prepositions _
Compound Prepositions are those which are generally formed by;

Prefixing a Preposition (usually a = no or be = by) to a Noun, an Adjective or an Adverb.

About, above, across, along, amidst, among, amongst around, before, behind, below, beneath , beside between beyond inside outside, underneath within, without

Read the following sentences :
(1). There's something strange about him (2.) We were flying above the clouds.. (3) He walked across the field.
(4) I looked along the shelves for the book I needed.
(5.) There's a house among the trees.
(6) I found the Letter amongst the papers. (7.) The house is built around a central courtyard.
(8) The year before last he won a gold medal and the year before that be won a silver.
(9.) The sun disappeared behind the clouds.
(10.) They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
(11) He sat beside his ill mother all night.

(3.) Phrase Prepositions Phrase Pre positions are Groups of words used with the force of a single preposition.

according to
ably to
along with
away from
because of
by dint of
by means of
by reason of
by virtue of
by way of
conformably to
for the sake of
in accordance with
in addition to
In (on) behalf of
in case of
in comparison to
in compliance with
in consequence of
in course of
in favour of
in front of
in lieu of
in order to
In place of
NOTE: These statements with examples are very easy to understand once you completely readout with examples then you can solve any type of question regarding preposition.

English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC

English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC
English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC
English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC
English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC
English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC
English preposition for IBA bps 5-15 and SPSC

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